MultiPurpose Robotic Kit
SKU: 2148
Great kit for beginners who are interested to learn about Robotics.
The kit comes with chassis and Electronics Components.
All in one DIY robotic chassis.
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MultiPurpose Robotic Kit by Sunrobotics. Educational learning kit for beginners(kids) to get experience about Robotics. the kit included a variety of components like Ultrasonic, IR Array sensor, Bluetooth module, LCD display, and many more. No prior experience is required, as the kits introduce both code and electronics Components with circuit diagrams through fun, engaging, and hands-on projects.
Key Point:
Great kit for beginners who are interested to learn about Robotics.
The kit comes with chassis and Electronics Components.
The smart robot chassis is made with laser-cut acrylic chassis with two dual shaft motors for either side.
The robot chassis with a High Degree of Freedom, Ideal for DIY Subjects, Development of Hobbies, and Interests.
All in one DIY robotic chassis.
Package Includes:
1 X Arduino Uno Board
1 X Breadboard MB-102
1 X USB cable
1 X L293d Module
1 X 4-cell AA battery holder
1 X Robot chassis
1 X Custer wheel
1 X Ultrasonic sensor
1 X Servo 9G motor
1 X Relay 5V
1 X 9V Battery Connector
1 x LCD1602 with male header pin soldered
1 X Arduino L293D motor shield
1 X One-Digit 7 segment display
1 X IR LED and Photodiode
1 X IC 74HC595 shift register
1 X DC motor
1 X LM35 temperature sensor
1 X Two in One Screw Driver
1 X HC-05 Bluetooth module
1 X NODEMCU ESP8266 CP2102 development board
1 X 5 array line sensor
2 X 2N2222 Transistor
2 X Active Buzzer 5v
2 X 10K Potentiometer
2 X BO motor L-type
2 X BO rubber wheel
3 X IR Sensor module
5 X Diode IN4007
5 X Push button tactile Switch
10 X M-F Wire
10 X F-F wire
10 X 100ohm Resistor
10 X 220ohm Resistor
10 X1k Resistor
10 X 4.7k Resistor
10 X 2k Resistor
10 X 10k Resistor
10 X 1M Resistor
10 X Red LED
10 X Yellow LED
10 X Green LED
30 X M-M wire